
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Us "webcomic"

Just a teaser draft of my webcomic "Us" it's about a guy with an overactive imagination. It's strip style so there is no full story just little comedy shorts. I'll be premiering it on my WEBSITE (yaaay) in August or September. Lookout for it then.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

STOP LIVE LOOK (self portrait)

This was inspired one a day where I had a big epiphany about life and what not. I noticed that a lot of people can't find happiness because they keep worrying about what happened back then and trying to keep it from happening the story is on the left is the past that's already set in stone, hence the blue and gray color scheme. in the middle is the present which is very vibrant because you're supposed to live in the present so you have no regrets in life, but you also have to be careful because if you live too much in the present you can ruin your future. Which brings me to the pencil drawing which is the future. That one is pretty self explanatory, the future can be very beautiful or very ugly. Get it...STOP LIVE LOOK enjoy

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Proposal at a fountain

Just a painting for my portfolio...self portrait coming soon. Along with something more cartoony cartoons.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


This is what I'm currently working on, seven part series called "Chocolate" starting with "Proposal at a fountain" I know what some are thinking....what about the top ten villains? Well that actually takes time, especially for a fair list. Just know that it will be coming soon. Enjoy
PS: I am making a website so look out for that too